February 2025 Minutes

20FEB25 SRSC Meeting 6 PM @ 3C Guiding

Zoom issues, sorry to all who were trying to tune in online.

Snow Update: We’ve got lots of snow! A large storm cycle just ended. Near the Nelson hut, 80 cm of snow depth to the top of the wood pile. It’s deep up there. Close to 3m of snow total.

Secretary Update: 125 memberships. Most via PayPal this year with a about a dozen via cash/check. Full transparency, PayPal does charge a fee for each transaction. We’ve paid $241.50 in fees this season. The increased memberships due to ease of use/sign up easily negates this cost.

Treasurer Update: $20,078.21 in our account. Quealy & Nelson donation boxes had some cash donations in them. Thanks to those who donated!

Ehlin Parking Area: Lot is getting use. There’s signage to not ride up the side of the highway or up Barber Lake Road, though some are still doing that. Please don’t do this, if you park at Ehlin, ride up D Trail. There have been some issues with trucks with enclosed trailers and mediocre tires getting stuck on the way in, so keep good tires on your truck and carry a little momentum. Tire chains for a plan B are never a bad idea!

Greenrock Parking Area: USFS hasn’t paid the contractor for clearing the skier lot in a few years so they have quit clearing it for free. We can pay the contractor to clear this lot, he’ll charge us for his fuel only. We’ll consider this a courtesy of the club to the ski community. It keeps sledding parking open by keeping space open for skiers to park in their lot. As in prior years, please do not park in this lot once it is cleared.

Annual Donations: WSSA scholarship donation and Access donations. Last year we donated $1000. This year we voted on a $2000 donation. All in favor, none opposed. Note that this is split 75% to scholarship, 25% to the Access Program. Last year we donated $750 each to Albany and Carbon County Search and Rescue groups. This year we voted on $1000 to each. All were in favor, none opposed. Total: $4000 in total donations were approved.

Safety Shelters: There is firewood in the hut in the Sierra’s. It has some power inside for lights and is nice. Small amount of garbage in Nelson, Quealy, and Lake Marie. Reminder to pack it in pack it out! (preaching to the choir in these minutes I’m sure)

WSSA Fun Days: March 7th, 8th & 9th in Rock Springs. Sunny volunteered to put together a basket for Fun Days to auction off. Keith has a small Polaris cooler to use as the basket base to put stuff in.

Snowmobile permit: bill has gone through both the House and Senate. It’s off to the governor to be signed. This increases permit costs to $75 for non-residents. $50 residents. Added a $25 antique tag (20+ year old sleds). Commercial tags are up to $150. This ensures the grooming can continue at the current level (trail miles and frequency).

Grooming Update: goes through March. Then trail markers, huts, and groomers come out at the start of April.

Avalanche Observations: This has been ongoing this season. Great tool. It’s been focused on the Carbon County side. All are welcome to post observations on the EasternWyo observations website. Bridger-Teton sent folks down to do training on how to perform observations. As always, make your own assessments in the terrain you’re navigating. https://ewyoavalanche.org/#/view/observations

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