Welcome to the Snowy Range Snowmobile Club!

Upcoming Events:
*January Club Meeting*
Thursday, January 16th 6:00pm at 3C Guiding
Join via zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87527077178

*February Club Meeting*
Thursday, February 20th 6:00pm at 3C Guiding
Join via zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87527077178

*Wyoming State Snowmobile Association Fun Days*
March 7th-9th in Rock Springs, Wyoming
Register at https://snowmobilewyoming.org/fun-days-2025/

*March Club Meeting*
Thursday, March 20th 6:00pm at 3C Guiding
Join via zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87527077178

*April Club Meeting*
Thursday, April 17th 6:00pm at 3C Guiding
Join via zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87527077178

  • December Meeting Minutes
    19DEC24 SRSC Meeting Minutes9 people in person at 6 PM. A few more joined after that. Had several folks join via Zoom.Elway Powersports brought in pizza and customer appreciation cards for 10% off. Thank you Elway! Cameron will have these cards available in the shop if you missed out.Trails: Grooming has begun. Safety shelters are now in. Little thin to start the year, but forecast is promising. Heads up on avalanche danger: sugar snow for the base will be a problem for a long time.Sheridan Trails meeting: Didn’t see a demo of the new sales program. Feedback welcomedfrom users of …
  • OSV Sticker Update
    UPDATE: After speaking with retailers of the trail permits, it sounds like it is best (most efficient) for folks to do registration online and set up in-store pickup at the retailer of your choice. Yes you can register and purchase in person if needed, but each registration takes a few minutes, and if there’s a line in the store this wait can become significant. If you’ve got lots of time before you need it, you can have the sticker mailed to you. Reminder that residents will need the VIN of the sled. We’ve also had reports that the adhesive on the …
  • November 2024 Meeting Minutes
    9 people in person at 6 PM. A few more joined after that. Had several folks join via Zoom.Highway WY-130 is closed for the season, woohoo!Search and Rescue request for support: Are we willing to write a letter of support for Albany County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue’s grant proposal? Yes. The Club supports this effort. Sunny offered to write the letter. ACSSAR is applying for a grant from Wyoming Intertie (Community Investment Program)to purchase two snowmobiles (SkiDoo Expedition sleds, capable of all around use) with a tow behind trailer for transporting patients from Elway. They currently own 1 functional snowmobile, …