19DEC24 SRSC Meeting Minutes
9 people in person at 6 PM. A few more joined after that. Had several folks join via Zoom.
Elway Powersports brought in pizza and customer appreciation cards for 10% off. Thank you Elway! Cameron will have these cards available in the shop if you missed out.
Trails: Grooming has begun. Safety shelters are now in. Little thin to start the year, but forecast is promising. Heads up on avalanche danger: sugar snow for the base will be a problem for a long time.
Sheridan Trails meeting: Didn’t see a demo of the new sales program. Feedback welcomed
from users of the trail sticker program. Trails Council starting work session to go out twice yearly to go out to different communities throughout the state and check out how users are using trail systems, the amenities, parking lots, etc. First will be end of Jan/Feb in Lander: ski trails, new snowmobile trails.
New Ehlin Road parking lot: Open for use. Trail D is groomed from there up to Trail T.
Feedback welcomed. Please use it if you’re up for doing so, as use will help justify additional parking areas. There’s a new webcam up for the new parking lot.
Outdoor Recreation manager position is open with the state: Are you interested? See the state job board if you are. Motorized enthusiast representation could be helpful for snowmobilers.
Lake Marie Shelter: Solar and lighting system for Lake Marie shelter with strobe light on top, hoping to get that up in early January. Logos of businesses that helped purchase the Reefer trailer went into the trailer, they look great and will last a long time. New signs with ground rules went in too (no smoking, vaping, please pack out what you pack in).
12” rule reminder. These low snow years are when we’ll be under a microscope on resource
damages. Please treat the land with respect & be a good representative of the sport.
Snow Update: Snow conditions have improved. Coverage is about average for this time of year. The base is still sugar, with a slab on top: heads up for avalanches. Lake Marie hill slid recently. Check out the site for observations, with Sheriff Bakken’s new avy observation team there’s much more being posted than years past: https://ewyoavalanche.org/#/view/observations
Treasurer Update: $15466.59 in our checking account.
Secretary Update: Membership update: ~120 members.
Wood for Sierra’s: if we have wood dropped at the groomer, they’ll pack it in. $500 donation from Colorado Blizzards. Thank you!
Next Meeting: Thursday January 16th, 6 PM, same Zoom link.